
Whose promised land? : the continuing crisis over Israel and Palestine . / Colin Chapman

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 98
نوع المادة book
ردمك 0745951112
رقم الطلب

DS 119.7 .C46

شخص Chapman, Colin
العنوان Whose promised land? : the continuing crisis over Israel and Palestine . / Colin Chapman
بيان الطبعة Revised Edition
بيانات النشر Tring, [UNITED KINGDOM]: Lion Publishers, 2002.
الوصف المادي 347 p
المحتويات / النص


 -- Chapter I: The Land in History: -- Basic Facts and Their Interpretation -- 1.1 The patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (c. 2000-1700 BC) -- 1.2 The exodus and the conquest of the land -- under Joshua (c. 1280-1050 BC) -- 1.3 The kingdom under Saul, David and Solomon (1050-931 BC) -- 1.4 The kingdoms of Israel and Judah (931-587 BC) -- 1.5 The Babylonian exile (597-539 BC) -- 1.6 Palestine under the Babylonians, Persians and Greeks (597-63 BC) -- 1.7 Palestine under the Romans (63 BC-AD 330) -- 1.8 Palestine under the Byzantine empire (AD 330-634) -- 1.9 Palestine under the Arabs and Seljuk Turks (634-1096) -- 1.10 Palestine under the Crusaders and the Mamluks (1096-1517) -- 1.11 Palestine under the Ottoman Turks (1517-1918) -- 1.12 Palestine under the Mandate (1922-48) -- 1.13 The UN Partition Plan (1947) -- 1.14 The founding of the State of Israel (1948) -- 1.15 Conflicts since 1948 -- 1.16 The peace process since Madrid (1991) and Oslo (1993) -- 1.17 Jerusalem and the West Bank since 1967 -- 1.18 Different interpretations of the facts -- Chapter 2: The Seeds of Conflict: Call the Next Witness -- 2.1 Anti-Semitism -- 2.2 Zionism -- 2.3 Jewish settlement in the land -- 2.4 Arab reactions to Jewish settlement -- 2.5 The role of Britain -- 2.6 The role of the United Nations -- 2.7 Partition and war (1948-49) -- 2.8 The voice of Israel - - 2.9 Other Jewish/Israeli voices -- 2.10 The different voices of the Palestinians -- 2.11 Conclusions -- PART 2: INTERPRETING THE BIBLE III -- Chapter 3: The Land Before Christ: -- ’A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey’ -- 3.1 The promise of the land -- 3.2 The boundaries of the land -- 3.3 The conquest of the land -- 3.4 The land and the temple -- 3.5 Exile from the land -- 3.6 The return to the land -- 3.7 The land and the hopes of Israel -- 3.8 Conclusions -- Chapter 4: The Land After Christ: -- ’The Meek Shall Inherit the Earth’ -- 4.1 The birth of Jesus the Messiah -- 4.2 Jesus and the land -- 4.3 Jesus and Jerusalem -- 4.4 The. redemption of Israel -- 4.5 The land in the teaching of the apostles -- 4.6 John’s vision of the final fulfilment of the covenant -- 4.7 The land and the millennium -- 4.8 Conclusions -- Chapter 5: Other Biblical Themes: -- ’Is There Any Word from the Lord?’ -- 5.1 A passion for truth -- 5.2 The problem of prejudice -- 5.3 The demands of the law -- 5.4 The prophetic concern for justice -- 5.5 God’s judgment in history -- 5.6 Suffering injustice -- 5.7 Rethinking and repentance through disaster -- 5.8 Jew and Gentile in the Old Testament -- 5.9 Jew and Gentile after Jesus the Messiah -- 5.10 The condemnation of anti-Semitism -- 5.11 The possibility of reconciliation -- 5.12 Conclusions -- PART 3: APPRECIATING THE ISSUES TODAY -- Chapter 6: Realities Today: Is There -- Any Hope of Resolving the Conflict? -- 6.1 A crisis for Zionism -- 6.2 The power equation in the world today -- 6.3 Christian Zionism and Dispensationalism -- 6.4 Zionism and Islam -- 6.5 Conclusions: The options for Israel and questions -- for the Palestinians -- Conclusion: Whose Land? -- Appendix I: Principles of Christian -- Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecy -- Appendix 2: Examples of Christian -- Interpretation of Old Testament Prophecy -- Appendix 3: The Covenant of Hamas, the Islamic Resistance Movement.


This text digs beneath the Israel and Palestine conflict to examine the rootsf the two cultures. The author, Colin Chapman, explores the history of thewo peoples, and of the Jewish settlement in the region. He acknowledges theeligious roots of the feelings on both sides and looks to the Bible toandle modern events. The book challenges many assumptions, including thosef Christian Zionists, before presenting Chapman's own personal answers tohe crisis.

المواضيع Bible - Prophecies - Palestine
Jewish - Arab relations
Zionism - Controversial literature
Palestine in the Bible
Palestine - History