
The Late Bronze and Early Iron ages of Southern Canaan / edited by Aren M. Maeir, Itzhaq Shai and Chris McKinny

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 9452
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9783110626704
رقم الطلب

GN 778.32 .I75 L38

العنوان The Late Bronze and Early Iron ages of Southern Canaan / edited by Aren M. Maeir, Itzhaq Shai and Chris McKinny
بيان الطبعة Ed. 2
بيانات النشر Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2019.
الوصف المادي 285 P
بيان السلسلة Archaeology Of the Biblical Worlds
المحتويات / النص

The Late Bronze age at Tell es-Safi/Gath and the site's role in Southwestern Canaan / Aren M. Maeir, Jeffrey R. Chadwick, Amit Dagan, Louise A. Hitchcock, Jill Katz, Itzhaq Shai and Joe Uziel 
-- The Wheat-people of Canaan / Suembikya I. Frumin, Yoel Melamed and Ehud Weiss
 -- Late Bronze Age Azekah : an almost forgotten story / Sabine Kleiman, Ido Koch, Lyndelle Webster, Vanessa Linares, Karl Berendt, Omer Sergi, Manfred Oeming, Yuval Gadot and Oded Lipschits
 -- A reevaluation of Gezer in the Late Bronze Age in light of renewed excavations and recent scholarship / Steven Ortiz and Samuel Wolff
 --Tel Batash in the Late Bronze Age : a retrospect / Amihai Mazar and Nava Panitz-Cohen 
-- First impression on the urban layout of the last Canaanite city of Lachish: a view from the northeast corner of the site / Yosef Garfinkel, Igor Kreimerman, Michael G. Hasel and Martin G. Klingbeil
 -- Lachish is Lachish on the Lachish bowl : an object lesson for reading Hieratic, with little surprising results / Stefan Jakob Wimmer
 -- Tel Burna in the Late Bronze : assessing the 13th century BCE landscape of the Shephelah / Chris McKinny, Aharon Tavger and Itzhaq Shai 
-- Jerusalem in the Late Bronze Age : the glass half full / Joe Uziel, Yuval Baruch and Nahshon Szanton
 -- Hebron in the Late Bronze age : discoveries of the of the American expedition to Hebron (Tell er-Rumeide) / Jeffrey R. Chadwick
 -- The Transjordanian Jordan Valley in the Late Bronze age : under Egyptian control? / Peter M. Fischer 
-- Shifting meanings and values of Aegean-type pottery in the Late Bronze age Southern Levant / Philipp W. Stockhammer 
-- Prestige and authority in the Southern Levant during the Amarna age / Emanuel Pfoh 
-- Southwestern Canaan and Egypt during the Late Bronze age I-IIA / Ido Koch.


The Late Bronze Age in the Levant is a period of much interest to archaeologists, historians and biblical scholars. This is a period with intense international relations, rich in ancient sources, which provide historical data for the period, and is a crucial formative period for the peoples and cultures who play central roles in the Hebrew Bible. Recent archaeological research in Israel and surrounding countries has provided new, exciting, and in some cases, groundbreaking finds, interpretations and understanding of this period.<br>The fourteen papers in this volume represent the proceedings of a conference held at Bar-Ilan University in 2014 (with the additional of several invited papers not presented at the conference), which provide both overviews of Late Bronze Age finds from several important sites in Israel and surrounding countries, as well as several synthetic studies on the various issues relating to the period. These papers, by and large, represent a broad view of cuttting edge research in the archaeology of the ancient Levant in general, and on the Late Bronze Age specifically. 

المواضيع Bronze age - Israel - Congresses
Bronze age - Middle East - Congresses
Iron age - Israel - Congresses
Iron age - Middle East - Congresses
Excavations (Archaeology) - Middle East - Congresses
Middle East - Antiquities - Congresses
المواضيع Bible. - Antiquities - Congresses
Excavations (Archaeology) - Israel - Congresses
Israel - Antiquities - Congresses
شخص Maeir, Aren M
Shai, Itzhaq
McKinny, Chris