
Shifting Identities : Changes , Political , And Religious Structures In The Middle East / Mitri Raheb

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 8233
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9789950376403
رقم الطلب

HM 753 .R33

العنوان Shifting Identities : Changes , Political , And Religious Structures In The Middle East / Mitri Raheb
بيان الطبعة Ed. 1
بيانات النشر Bethlehem, [PALESTINE]: Diyar Publisher, 2016.
الوصف المادي 288 p
المحتويات / النص

1- shifting Identities : the history of Christianity in the modern middle east 

2- disentangling some knots : narratives and counter - narratives of the Christian presence in the contemporary middle east
3- researches on Palestinian Jerusalem Christians' position on the future status of Jerusalem - results and findings 
4- towards an ecclesiological anthropology of Levantine Christian belonging 
5- Contested Loyalties Palestinian Christians and conscription into the Israeli defiance force 
6- the shifting acculturation orientation of Palestinian Christian adolescents in Israel 
7- transcultural processes through American missionary work in Lebanon : how Protestants in Lebanon : how Protestants in Lebanon deal with the legacy of their History 
8- contemporary feminisms in Lebanon lights in the tunnel
9- shifting identities in the Middle East : An Armenian Experience in the process of change and understanding the other 
10- new Christians in the Islamic Republic Of Iran : Regional and Global Implications
11- Migration , space , and identity Christians of the Arab world are changing and challenging the religious and cultural discourse  in Sweden 
12- Psychological profiles of the Arab People  : Ingrained Paradoxes 
13- Apocalyptic view of hidtory and the challenge Of Christine Presence in the middle east 
14- theological responses for the formation of required changes in the middle east


This book contains the proceedings of the International conference, “Shifting Identities: Changes in the social, political, and religious structures in the Middle East”, which was held in Cyprus in July 2015. The conference brought together around 50 professors, historians, theologians, social scientists and researchers from over 15 countries including Europe, the USA, and the Middle East. Case studies from Palestine, Israel, Lebanon, Iran, and Sweden were presented. Some of these case studies focused on particular community like the Armenians, Syrian orthodox, or Protestants while others studies chose to tackle issues like feminism or Arabism in the Middle East. Several of the articles struggled theologically to find a meaning to what is happening in the aftermath of the so-called Arab Spring showing a way forward. Shifting identities is not a pure theoretical exercise but are related to shifts that were experienced by several of the authors in the course of their biographical journeys.

المواضيع Shifting Identities - Middle East
Shifting Identities - Arab World
Feminism - Arab World
المواضيع Christians - Middle East - History
شخص Raheb, Mitri