
Culinary Math

عدد النسخ: 1 عدد النسخ المعارة : 0 عدد النسخ المتاحة للاعارة : 1
رقم التسجيلة 4689
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780470068212
رقم الطلب


شخص Blocker, Linda
العنوان Culinary Math
بيان الطبعة 3.ed
بيانات النشر John Wiley &Sons, INC, 2007
الوصف المادي 262 P
المحتويات / النص

Acknowledgment. Preface. 1 Math Basics. 2 Customary Units of Measure. 3 Metric Measures. 4 Basic Conversion of Units of Measure within Volume or Weight. 5 Converting Weight or Volume Mixed Measures. 6 Advanced Conversions between Weight and Volume. 7 Yield Percent. 8 Applying Yield Percent. 9 Finding Cost. 10 Edible Portion Cost. 11 Recipe Costing. 12 Yield Percent: When to Ignore It. 13 Beverage Costing. 14 Receipt Size Conversion. 15 Kitchen Ratios. Appendix A: Formula Reference Review. Appendix B: Units of Measure and Equivalency Charts. Appendix C: Approximate Volume to Weight Chart and Approximate Yield of Fruits and Vegetables Chart. Appendix D: Rounding. Appendix E: Blank Food Cost Form. Answer Section. Culinary Math Glossary of Terms.


Used by culinary professionals and students around the country, this book presents proven step-by-step methods for understanding foodservice math and using it appropriately in the kitchen. Written by former instructors at The Culinary Institute of America, it is filled with examples and sample problems that connect math skills to real-world situations. This edition has been expanded with new material on topics such as inventory, yield percent, and statistics. It also includes revised practice problems in each chapter to help develop and exercise problem-solving skills. Well organized and easy to use, Culinary Math reviews basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of whole numbers, fractions, and decimals; goes over calculations with percents; presents the units of measure used in most professional kitchens in the United States; and offers simple methods for converting weight and volume measures. Culinary Math also shows how to: Calculate yield percent Determine costs, edible portion costs, recipe costs, and beverage costs Find out the amount of a product needed for a particular use Change recipe yields Carry out conversions for purchasing and food costing Understand and use kitchen ratios Convert U.S. measures to metric units and vice versa

المواضيع Cookery - Mathematics
شخص Hill, Julia