Documentary Filmmaking In The Middle East And North Africa / Viola Shafik


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 9316
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9789774169588
رقم الطلب PN 1995.9 .D6 D5756
المؤلف Shafik, Viola

العنوان Documentary Filmmaking In The Middle East And North Africa / Viola Shafik
بيان الطبعة Ed. 1
بيانات النشر Cairo: American University in Cairo Press, 2022.
الوصف المادي 495 P
المستخلص "While many of the Arab documentary films that emerged after the digital turn in the 1990s have been the subject of close scholarly and media attention, far less well studied is the immense wealth of Arab documentaries produced during the celluloid era. These ranged from newsreels to information, propaganda, and educational films, travelogues, as well as more radical, artistic formats, such as direct cinema and film essays. This book sets out to examine the long history of Arab nonfiction filmmaking in the Middle East and North Africa across a range of national trajectories and documentary styles, from the early twentieth century to the present. Bringing together a distinguished group of film scholars, practitioners, and critics, Documentary Filmmaking in the Middle East and North Africa traces the historical development of documentary filmmaking with an eye to the widely varied socio-political, ethnic, linguistic, and cultural contexts in which the films emerged. Thematically, the contributions provide insights into a whole range of relevant issues, both theoretical and historical, such as structural development and state intervention, formats and aesthetics, new media, politics of representation, auteurs, subjectivity, minority filmmaking, 'Artivism,' and revolution. Also unearthing previously unrecognized scholarly work in the field, this rich and theoretically informed collection sheds light on a hitherto neglected part of international film history."
المواضيع Documentary films - Middle East - History and criticism
Documentary films - Africa, North - History and criticism
Motion picture producers and directors - Middle East
Motion picture producers and directors - Africa, North

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000093160001 PN 1995.9 .D6 D5756
1 عادي

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