Pedagogy of the oppressed / Paulo Freire ; translated by Myra Bergman Ramos ; with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo and an afterword by Ira Shor


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 8663
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781501314131
رقم الطلب LB 880 .F73 P4313
المؤلف Freire, Paulo, 1921-1997

العنوان Pedagogy of the oppressed / Paulo Freire ; translated by Myra Bergman Ramos ; with an introduction by Donaldo Macedo and an afterword by Ira Shor
بيانات النشر New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
الوصف المادي 219. p
  • "First published in Portuguese in 1968, [this book] was translated and published in English in 1970. Paulo Freire's work has helped to empower countless people throughout the world and continues to possess a special urgency as the creation of a permanent underclass among the underprivileged and minorities in urban centers around the world continues. The 50th anniversary edition includes a new introduction by Donaldo Macedo, an afterword by Ira Shor, and interviews with Marina Aparicio Barberán, Noam Chomsky, Gustavo E. Fischman, Ramón Flecha, Ronald David Glass, Valerie Kinloch, peter Mayo, Peter McLaren, and Margo Okazawa-Rey to inspire a new generation of educators, students, and general readers for years to come."--Page [4] of cover.
المواضيع Education - Philosophy
Popular education - Philosophy

المواضيع Critical pedagogy

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000086630001 LB 880 .F73 P4313
1 عادي

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