Understanding The Life Of Jesus : An Introductory Atlas


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 7918
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9789652208736
رقم الطلب BT303.9.A95
المؤلف Avi-Yonah, Michael

العنوان Understanding The Life Of Jesus : An Introductory Atlas
بيانات النشر Jerusalem: Carta - The Israel Map & Publishing Company Ltd, 2015.
الوصف المادي 40 P
المحتويات / النص - palestine in new testament times - the roman empire & the jewish diapora in the time of jesus - the growth of herod's kingdom - 40 to 4 B.c - the economy of palestine at the time of jesus - supplies to the temple and the bringing of the omer - the birth of jesus and the flight into egypt - the return from egypt , the boy jesus in the temple - the babtism of jesus and the sojourn in the temple - from nazareth to cana and capernaum - from nazareth to nain - the holy land and the coele - syria in the time of jesus - the ten cities of the decapolis - around the sea of galilee - the visit to tyre , sidon , and caesarea philippi - the transfiguration - jesus visit to jerusalem - jesus last journey to jerusalem - jesus trail judgment and crucifixion - the via dolorosa , from the omariy chool to the church of the holy sepulchre - the resurrection and ascension - the church in the first century A.D. - Places visited by jesus
المستخلص Understanding the land of Jesus is a necessary component to comprehending the message he proclaimed. From the beginning of the four Gospels until their end, the Evangelists assume that we possess an intimate knowledge of the historical and geographical stage onto which Jesus stepped. For most Christian readers this is unfortunately not true. Many have not had the opportunity to visit the Holy Land. Even for those who have, it can prove to be a confusing experience. Much about life in this land has changed over the course of two millennia....It is hoped that the maps [in this book] and the brief texts that accompany them can serve as a guide for the Christian reader to navigate the geographical stages in the Gospel accounts....May the reader be aided in their pursuit to follow the steps of the Master and to grasp more clearly the message he preached.
المواضيع Bible - Geography - Maps
Bible - Commentaries
Bible - Maps
Bible - Geography

الأسماء المرتبطة Notley, Steven

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الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000079180001 BT303.9.A95
1 عادي

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