Jesus : an illustrated life


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6546
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781426215681
رقم الطلب BT301.3.I84
المؤلف Isbouts, Jean-Pierre

العنوان Jesus : an illustrated life
بيانات النشر Washington, D.C: National Geographic, 2015.
الوصف المادي 351 P
المحتويات / النص - Chapter One: The Prophecy Of John's birth - Chapter Two: The Annunciation - Chapter Three: Jesus Is Born - Chapter Four: Herod's Revenge - Chapter Five: Young Jesus In Nazareth - Chapter Six: The visit to the temple - Chapter Seven: A Disciple of john the baptist - Chapter eight : A wedding in cana - Chapter Nine: The Ministry Begins - Chapter Ten: The Sermon on the mount - Chapter Eleven: The Poor and the hungry - Chapter Twelve: Journeys around the sea of galilee - Chapter Thirteen: the healing Stories - Chapter Fourteen: The Nature Miracles - Chapter Fifteen: the Parables - Chapter Sixteen: Jesus and the Phoenicia - Chapter Seventeen: God as abba - Chapter Eighteen: The Journey to Phoenicia - Chapter Ninteen: The Road To Bethany - Chapter Twenty: The Temple Disruption - Chapter Twenty One: the last supper - Chapter Twenty Two: the arrest and indictment - Chapter Twenty Three: the Pilate hearing - Chapter Twenty Four: death at golgotha - Chapter Twenty Five : The Tomb
المستخلص Two thousand years after his death, Jesus of Nazareth remains one of history's most influential and fascinating figures. In this powerful, elegantly written, and expertly illustrated celebration, Jean-Pierre Isbouts brings readers into Jesus' life journey on a deeply human level, narrating his experiences from his earliest years to his mission travels in lower Galilee to his final days in the Garden of Gethsemane. Key events and figures from John the Baptist to Mary Magdalene to Judas are highlighted in compelling detail. Carefully selected artwork featuring some of the great artists of the ages--da Vinci, Michelangelo, and many more--illustrate indelible moments in Jesus' life, from Mary's annunciation to the Last Supper. Breathtaking National Geographic photography and maps complete the package, drawing readers into a time, a place, and a life that would forever change the world. Absorbing, engaging, and meticulously researched, this inspiring journey reconstructs the seminal moments and intense spiritual dimensions of the life of Jesus of Nazareth in a stunning visual celebration
المواضيع Jesus Christ - Biography - History and criticism

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000065460001 BT301.3.I84
1 عادي

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