Harmony In Practice


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 6435
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9781854728333
رقم الطلب MT50.B98
المؤلف Butterworth, Anna

العنوان Harmony In Practice
بيانات النشر The Associated Board Of The Royal Schools Of Music, 2014
الوصف المادي 268 P
المحتويات / النص - PArt 1 - Triads And chords -Chapter 1: triads - Chapter 2: inverting the triad - Chapter 3: Building chords from triads - PArt 2: simple progressions - Chapter 4: some rules to follow - Chapter 5: Harmonizing Melodies - the cadential Progressions - Chapter 6: extending the triad - the dominant family - Chapter 7: the 6 progressions 4 - Chahpter 8: other presentations of harmony - Part 3: extended progressions - Chapter 9: the progression of 5ths - Chapter 10: chord groups - the subdominant family - Chapter 11: scale movement Part 4: modulation - Chapter 12: modulation - its purpose and practice - Chapter 13: modulation to remote keys - Part 5: Melodic and harmonic decoration - chapter 14: melodic decoration - chapter 15: harmonic decoration
المستخلص Harmony in Practice explores the main elements of tonal harmony. Students using this book will acquire a secure knowledge of the basics of harmonic practice. Singing, playing and completing the exercises, and studying the music examples, will provide essential experience of the 'tools of the trade'. More than 280 music examples illustrate the author's clear and direct exposition of the history and practice of harmony while the student will be able to work through over 180 exercises. The practical workbook format will enable students to prepare for a variety of musical examinations - for the Associated Board's Grade 6 to Grade 8 Theory examinations; for A Level Music and Diploma examinations; for university and college entrance papers. It will serve in particular as a vital aid in bridging the gap between Grade 5 and Grade 6 Theory. A thorough pursuit of this workbook will also bring a greater understanding to bear on students' music-making, and will enhance their awareness of style and their appreciation of other musicians' performances.

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000064350001 MT50.B98
1 عادي

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