Consumer behaviour : a European perspective / Michael Solomon, Gary Bamossy, S?ren Askegaard


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 5958
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780273772729
رقم الطلب HF5415.33.E85S65
شخص Solomon, Michael R
العنوان Consumer behaviour : a European perspective / Michael Solomon, Gary Bamossy, S?ren Askegaard
بيان الطبعة 5 Edition
بيانات النشر Harlow, England: Pearson, 2013.
الوصف المادي 672.p
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references and index
المحتويات / النص Preface -- Guided tour -- About the authors -- Acknowledgements -- Publisher's acknowledgements -- Part a consumers in the marketplace -- An introduction to consumer behaviour -- A consumer society -- Shopping, buying and evaluating -- Part b how consumers see the world and themselves -- Perception -- The self -- Motivation, values and lifestyle -- Consumers as decision-makers -- Learning and memory -- Attitudes -- Individual decision-making -- European consumers and their social groups -- Groups and social media -- European family structures, household decision-making and age cohorts -- Income and social class -- Part e culture and european lifestyles -- Culture and consumer behaviour -- Cultural change processes -- New times, new consumers -- Glossary -- Indexes
المستخلص Now in its 5th edition, Consumer Behaviour: A European Perspective provides a fully comprehensive, lively and engaging introduction to consumer behaviour. The book links in consumer behaviour theory with the real life problems faced by practitioners. The unique five-part micro-to-macro wheel structure also provides a multi-disciplinary approach, including the latest data to profile European consumers. This book is ideal for second and third year undergraduate marketing students, undergraduate students taking a consumer behaviour module as part of a business course and postgraduate students on masters courses in marketing.
المواضيع Consumer behavior - Europe
شخص Bamossy, Gary J
Askegaard, Søren

النسخ :

الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000059580001 HF5415.33.E85S65
1 عادي

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