Ecotourism : impacts, potentials, and possibilities / Stephen Wearing and John Neil


التفاصيل :

رقم التسجيلة 5951
نوع المادة book
ردمك 9780750662499
رقم الطلب G156.5.E26W4
شخص Wearing, Stephen
العنوان Ecotourism : impacts, potentials, and possibilities / Stephen Wearing and John Neil
بيانات النشر Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1999.
الوصف المادي xvii, 163 p : 25 cm ; ill
ملاحظات Includes bibliographical references (p. [145]-158) and index
المحتويات / النص Departure: surveying the ground If Ecotourism is not just an activity but a philosophy which philosophy? Tourism development: Government, industry, policy and planning Ecotourism and protected areas: Visitor management for sustainability The role of interpretation in achieving a sustainable future Linking conservation and communities: Community benefits and social costs Case studies: Introducing the local and national Marketing ecotourism: Meeting and shaping expectations and demands Could the 'real' ecotourist please stand up! Ecotourism: A model for sustainable development.
المستخلص Counter 'Ecotourism' outlines the phenomenon of Ecotourism its sources and its development as a concept. Conservation issues are now at the forefront of public opinion - Nature is calling us to its wilds and we are responding in droves. The decline of natural rainforests, loss of endangered species, global warming and land degradation have galvanised public support for conservation. The interest in Ecotourism and nature-orientated tourism has coincided with this worldwide concern Using relevant case studies, 'Ecotourism' examines the potential positive social and environmental benefits of Ecotourism and is ideal for both students of tourism and practitioners within the tourism industry. 'Ecotourism' will also be of interest to environmental groups, land managers, academics and planners. Indeed anyone interested in examining what Ecotourism is and how it may hold the potential to solve or at least mitigate several of the great problems of our age. An example being arguably the greatest of these dilemmas: to satisfy human needs for employment, income and economic development, while at the same time protecting the environment. Stephen Wearing and John Neil are both lecturers at the School of Tourism Studies, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
المواضيع Ecotourism
شخص Neil, John

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الباركود رمز الوحدة النسخة نوع النسخة
0000059510001 G156.5.E26W4
1 عادي

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